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An employee is considered dual employed when holding two or more State of Texas jobs. This applies to all budgeted, wage and student employees in non-teaching roles, with the exception of graduate assistants. Graduate assistants must work through the Office of Graduate and Professional Studies for approval of work in excess of their 20-hour assistantships.

There are two distinct situations that fall under dual employment: single activities that result in one or more payments being made to the employee and on-going activities that result in dual employment and multiple payments to the employee.

When to Initiate

The primary purpose of the dual employment form is to acknowledge that employees in multiple positions may incur overtime payment. 

It is the responsibility of the business team in the hiring division to conduct a review in Workday to determine if the individual is already in an active position. Prior to the submission of the Personnel Action Form, the business team in the hiring division should initiate completing the dual employment acknowledgement and submit to Engineering Human Resources.

  • If YES ask employee if they will continue to hold that position.
  • If YES to that question, initiate the dual employment acknowledgement.
  • If NO, reach out to that division to coordinate (transfer, terminate/hire, primary job switch)

Individuals holding more than one position within Texas A&M Engineering but in different divisions require dual employment acknowledgement.

Individuals holding more than one position within the same division do not require dual employment acknowledgement.

To request the current version of the dual employment form, please contact


The dual employment acknowledgement form should be initiated before or at the time the additional job is processed through Workday. It is the responsibility of the business team of the hiring division to initiate this process. The request is reviewed and approved by the primary division and secondary (additional job) division and then submitted to Engineering Human Resources. After review, the completed acknowledgement will be provided to both divisions. The managers and division payroll offices are to be included in this notification.


Overtime Pay Calculation

Overtime is governed by the Fair Labor Standards Act and is calculated in Workday as follows:

When an employee holds two overtime-eligible positions, overtime is charged to the additional job before it is charged to the primary position. If an employee holds multiple overtime-eligible additional jobs, overtime will be applied to the hours submitted latest in the workweek.

Benefits when Dual Employed

The primary position governs the benefits eligibility for maintaining benefits. Separate leave records will be maintained for each leave eligible position. Hiring divisions should work together to avoid any negative impact on benefits.

Continuation or Ending Dual Employment

There is no requirement to renew dual employment, so long as the positions do not change. At the time that one or both of the positions is to end, the hiring divisions will work together to coordinate change in primary job as needed.