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The Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station's national security research works toward protecting the nation from internal and external vulnerabilities.


  • Cybersecurity: malware infrastructure analysis, predictive cyber modeling and cryptography
  • Chemical process safety
  • Massively-parallel multiphysics computations and scientific computation
  • Nuclear non-proliferation, nuclear security sciences and policy implications
  • Nuclear irradiation services for medical industrial applications

Related Initiatives

Learn about TEES' autonomy and robotics research, including fundamental technologies in artificial intelligence, machine learning and machine vision.

The Texas A&M University System’s George H. W. Bush Combat Development Complex at Texas A&M-RELLIS is the result of a partnership with the Army Futures Command.

The Texas A&M Cybersecurity Center advances cybersecurity knowledge through research, education, and academic governmental and commercial partnerships.

The Texas A&M University System's hypersonics-related research, development and testing address the nation's need to integrate emerging technologies into combat.