Our energy systems and services research features innovative solutions to obstacles in energy production, processing and consumption.
- Natural gas, fossil and non-fossil-based technologies, energy economics and multi-scale energy systems engineering
- Upstream petroleum engineering technology through industry partnerships
- Energy consumption optimization in commercial and industrial building operations
- Power system infrastructure integration with transportation to create energy ecosystems
- Turbomachinery performance and reliability in rotor dynamics, acoustics, seals, tribology, couplings, computational and experimental fluid dynamics, heat transfer, torsional vibrations, materials and finite element analysis
Related Centers
- Crisman Institute for Petroleum Research
- Energy Systems Laboratory
- Gas and Fuels Research Center
- Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center (MKOPSC)
- Nuclear Engineering and Science Center
- Nuclear Power Institute (NPI)
- Offshore Technology Research Center (OTRC)
- Smart Grid Center
- Texas A&M Energy Institute
- Turbomachinery Laboratory