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Candidate’s Research

  • What is innovative about your research?
  • How is your work distinct from your supervisor’s/principal investigator’s? How intellectually independent are you?
  • What influences have you been exposed to? Do you think you have enough breadth of experience?
  • Who has influenced you the most?
  • What has been your role so far in developing research ideas and carrying them forward?
  • What do you think are your most significant research accomplishments?
  • What do you consider to be your best paper/work and why? What did it change about the way people approach the field?
  • What are your most important publications?
  • What has been the impact of your research?
  • What papers do you have coming through in the next year?
  • If we gave you the position what might go wrong? How will you manage the risks?

General Research Questions

  • What do you see yourself doing in ten years' time? What are your professional goals in the next five, and ten years?
  • How will this job help you achieve your long-term career plans?
  • What would you do on the first day of the job?
  • What are the big issues in your research area?
  • Who are the key researchers in your area? How does your work compare with theirs?
  • Who are your main competitors? What are they doing? How will you compete with them?
  • Why would someone come to work for you and not for your competitors?
  • How does your work align with contemporary trends or funding priorities?
  • How would you bridge the gap from your research to research users?
  • The university is keen to serve the wider community and economy. Does your planned research have any potential in these areas?
  • How do you feel about translating your research into innovation or spin-outs? Can you give an example of when you have been enterprising?
  • Describe in layperson’s terms and in two minutes why your research project is interesting.

Candidate's Capabilities

  • How have you managed your research project?
  • How do you balance your time? If several challenges came up at the same time (grant deadline, pastoral care for a student, teaching commitments) how would you prioritize?
  • If you were starting your project again today, what would you do differently?
  • Describe a research problem you have faced. What did you learn?
  • What has been the most productive period in your research career and why?
  • Why do you think you are ready for this position?
  • If you get this position how will you run your research project?
  • Why do you think you are the right person for this position?
  • What experience do you have of attracting funding?
  • Where will you apply for grants? If your funding applications are unsuccessful, what alternatives do you have in mind? (looking for knowledge of the funding infrastructure)
  • How would you convince a funding body that they should fund your research rather than one of the other hundreds of proposals they receive?
  • Who are you currently funded by, and why do you think they were interested in funding your project?

 Candidate’s Proposed Research

  • What will be your major focus as an independent researcher?
  • In one sentence, what is the most important question you want to address?
  • How does the work you propose follow on from what you are already doing?
  • What will you focus on and what gives you a competitive edge in this area?
  • What is the overall importance of this project? How do you see this work impacting the field?
  • What will you do if your hypothesis is proved wrong? Can you see any of your research proposals failing?
  • Why is the technique you have chosen more likely to succeed than other approaches?
  • Have you already done anything to test the feasibility of your project?
  • If you could only do one aspect of this project, which one do you think is key?
  • If we gave you unlimited resources, what would you do with them?
  • If we gave you X amount of money, what would you do with it?
  • What resources will you need?
  • How would you deal with the more limited resources or facilities compared to what you anticipate for the project?
  • How do you plan to manage this project on a day-to-day level?

Candidate’s Role as Supervisor/Teacher

  • Describe your teaching experience. How do you feel about teaching? What is your teaching philosophy?
  • Do you have any experience in curriculum development?
  • Have you supervised doctoral candidates, and how did you find this experience? How did you manage them?
  • What advice would you give to a new researcher about supervising undergraduate or masters students?
  • How would you go about interviewing a prospective postgraduate researcher?
  • How would you induce a new doctoral candidate into their research project?
  • How would you go about motivating a researcher who is going through a low point?
  • How would you deal with a weak researcher?
  • How would you deal with any conflict/disagreement within the research group? Do you have an example of when you have had to deal with a disagreement?
  • Do you anticipate building a research group? How many people would you like for it to be optimal?

 Candidate’s ‘fit’ with the department

  • Why do you think you are the right person for this position?
  • Why do you want to come here?
  • What will you bring to the institution?
  • We are keen to develop collaborations between departments. What opportunities for multi-disciplinary work does your research offer?
  • How would you fit with the existing activities in the department? Who do would you expect to collaborate with in the institution? Why do you want to collaborate with them?
  • What committee work have you done and what challenges has it presented?
  • In what ways, other than research and teaching, could you contribute to this department?