Advanced manufacturing provides increased access to product replication and the agility to pivot when product needs change. SecureAmerica Institute partners are developing techniques to embed unique markers in 3D-printed products to identify counterfeit production.
Texas A&M University and Arizona State University are collaborating on a $4.8 million multidisciplinary project to study human breath and develop artificial intelligence algorithms to predict fatigue states.
What if it was possible to proactively plan, and respond and recover as quickly as possible following a supply chain disruption? The SecureAmerica Institute is tackling that challenge with the Robotics and Automation Decision framework for Agility and Resilience.
In high-temperature conditions, turbine blades can result in catastrophic failure from melting or oxidizing. A team of researchers developed an artificial intelligence framework to predict high-entropy alloys that can withstand extreme environments, reducing the time and costs of finding new alloy compositions.
Texas A&M University and University of Florida researchers collaborated to discover how the nucleus of a cell preserves its shape, allowing normal and cancer cells to squeeze past pores and fibers in body tissues.
A team of researchers at Texas A&M University has developed a new class of biomaterial inks that mimic native characteristics of highly conductive human tissue, which are essential for the ink to be used in 3D printing.
Dr. Pushkar Lele is studying the effect of metabolites on energy levels in bacteria. Loss of energy can slow bacterial growth but can also promote antibiotic resistance, so understanding their relationship is crucial for enhancing antibiotic effectiveness.
Dr. Yassin Hassan was named as the 2022 recipient of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ Fluids Engineering Award for outstanding contributions over the years to the field of fluids engineering.
Dr. Siegfried Hecker and Dr. Farheen Naqvi bring their robust knowledge and experience in nuclear security to Texas A&M University as they join the Department of Nuclear Engineering faculty.
Dr. Nitesh Saxena is leading a research team that recently received a National Science Foundation grant to study the robustness and security of traditional election systems that scan and process hand-marked paper ballots.