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The Engineering Payroll Request for Tax Withholding on Non-Salary Compensation Items form has been revised to accommodate Workday emolument terminology and a change in how TAMU wants the process handled on CC02 funds for Engineering employees. The added dropdown boxes should assist you with proper selections and make the completion of this form easier. The most common taxation events that are processed through Fiscal are gift cards to persons on payroll, employee reimbursements over 90 days and employee travel expenses that exceed 90 days.

Please start using the new form as needed for taxation of Fiscal documents for TEES/TAMU Engineering Program employees and attach it to the appropriate Concur or AggieBuy document regardless of which System Member (CC02 or CC28) funds are used.

  • When TEES (CC28) funds are used:
    • Department should attach the completed form at the AggieBuy/Concur document
    • TEES Fiscal Office personnel will sign the form after approving the AggieBuy/Concur document
    • TEES Fiscal Office personnel will send the form to Engineering Payroll
  • When TAMU (CC02) funds are used:
    • Department should attach the completed form to the AggieBuy/Concur document
    • Department must send the form to Engineering Payroll (
    • Department has to acknowledge on form that they have mailed to Engineering Payroll
  • If the taxable amount is split between both TEES and TAMU funds, complete two forms (one for the amount from TEES funds and one for the amount of TAMU funds) and follow the process for each Member as outlined above.

As a reminder, when filling out the form with CC28 (TEES) funds, CC28 State accounts or sponsored research (SRS) accounts cannot be listed as the account number on the form; it must be a CC28 local account. This means that the account number that paid the AggieBuy/Concur document may differ from the account on the form which pays the payroll taxes. However, the tax account does need to stay within the same System Member as the expense (i.e., if a CC28 sponsored account is used for travel reimbursement, a CC02 account may not be used for the taxes).