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Select Supplier
Choose appropriate supplier as listed on invoice using “Supplier Name” search. 

Enter Supplier Invoice Number
Enter in correct invoice number as it appears on the vendor’s invoice and click save to determine it is not a duplicate. If no invoice number, see detailed “How to Create a Non-PO Based Invoice for TEES” instructions for options. 

Enter Invoice Date
Enter in the invoice date as listed on the invoice or receipt date.

Enter Terms
Are there special discount terms listed on the invoice? If not, leave the default terms.

Verify Remit to Address is Correct
Compare default address to invoice - If different from invoice remit to, then select appropriate remit to address in the Remit to Location List drop down.

  • Optional: 
    Enter bypass invoice allocator. This can be defaulted in the creator’s profile.
    Enter Ref A or Ref B. 

Enter the Goods Received Date
Enter into the Non-PO Goods Rcvd Date field. It will default to today’s date, but change to the date the goods were received by the department (or last day of service)

Enter Invoice Rcvd Date
Enter the first date invoice received by TEES / your department

Click “Save” prior to entering line items

Click “Add non-PO item”

  • Leave PO Number field blank
  • Enter Product Description
    Detailed line items can be entered or like items can be combined into one line item (generally by object code). Example: “office supplies for Dr X” instead of a separate line item for pen, paper, folders, etc.
  • Enter Catalog No
    Please enter catalog number, if not available or summarizing enter in N/A.
  • Enter Quantity
    Enter in correct quantity from invoice, if summarizing enter 1.
  • Enter Amount
    Enter in the correct pricing from invoice, if summarizing total the like items for total amount of those items.
  • Packaging (Optional)
    Change packaging to reflect the appropriate unit of measure if entering detailed line items. If summarizing the invoice it can be left as default, which is EA-Each.
  • Commodity Code
    If the purchase is on the Frequently Used Commodity Code list, then click “Product Detail” to expand it and add the commodity code for that non-PO item from the cheat sheet list.

Select “Save and Close” or “Save and Add Another”
“Save and Close” is to be selected if no other line items will be entered. Select “Save and Add Another” if there will be additional line items entered.

Select “Review”
To attach invoice, update accounting codes and verify total amount.

Attach Invoice
Select add attachment under “Internal Attachments” to add the document.

Update or Add Accounting Codes
Are default accounting codes correct? If not, select edit under Codes section and update to the appropriate account code and department code. Then select “Recalculate and Save”. If the accounting code needs to be split between multiple accounts, select “add split” within the edit mode. Pick if this will be a “% of Price” or “Amount of Price” split. Update to the appropriate account code and department code and add percentage or amount depending upon your selection. If you have multiple Non-PO items, remember to correct accounts at line item, not header. See “How to Create a Non-PO Based Invoice for TEES” instructions for more details.

Verify Invoice Total
Verify total amount on actual invoice matches total amount on AggieBuy invoice

Select “Complete”
Submits the invoice into approval workflow.

Note: This quick reference only provides required and most used fields on the invoice. Please read the complete set of fields and instructions titled “How to Create a Non-PO Based Invoice for TEES” for additional details.