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  • Foreign travel requests must be submitted 7 days prior to the trip start date. If the travel has not been submitted 7 days in advance of the trip start date - an exception must be approved by Lisa Akin. The request for the exception should come from the Department Head to Lisa Akin.
  • Foreign travel requests must be routed in Concur to TEES, 28Foreign One desk and the Department Head
  • A detailed daily itinerary needs to be attached to all foreign travel requests. The following items must be included in the detailed daily itinerary:

If traveling to attend or present at a conference -

  • Name of conference (no acronyms)
  • Link to conference website (if available)
  • Name of conference host (if known) or conference registration (if available)

If traveling to collaborate with others –

  • Full name(s) of known collaborators traveler is meeting with (no acronyms or abbreviations)
  • Full name of known companies or institutions being visited (no acronyms or abbreviations)

For questions about foreign travel requests, please contact Rich Clough ( or Iana Greive ( in the TEES Office of Research Compliance.