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WHY certification statements are required:

By clicking “Submit” on a Concur expense report, the traveler is certifying the expenses. When one employee pays another employee’s travel expenses, the non-paying employee misses the step to certify their own travel expenses, so a certification statement from the non-paying employee is required (attach email from each non-paying employee in paying employee’s report receipts).

The certification statement must include the following information:

  • Business travel location
  • Travel dates
  • Name of paying employee
  • Expenses paid (vendor and amount), and
  • The “I certify statement” (below).

“I certify” statement:

I certify these expenses are true, correct, unpaid to the best of my knowledge, and I will not request personal reimbursement for the expenses listed. I certify expenses were incurred in the course of conducting official business, research, or other sponsored activities, and are properly chargeable to account(s) listed. I further certify no alcohol was purchased in association with expensed meals, or if so, receipt(s) provided, expenses marked appropriately and business purpose of the alcohol documented on the report.

The best way to obtain the above information is an email from the non-payee employee(s). Attach the email(s) to the paying employee’s Concur report as a receipt.