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WorkQuest is the central non-profit agency that links community rehabilitation centers and the Texas Council on Purchasing from People with Disabilities to support the Texas State Use Program.

WorkQuest is dedicated to furthering the state's policy of encouraging and assisting persons with disabilities to achieve maximum personal independence by engaging in useful, productive employment activities. A far-reaching range of Texans with disabilities is employed through the State Use Program, including those with intellectual disabilities, mental illness, chemical disorders, learning disabilities, visual impairments, physical impairments, hearing impairments and brain injury, among others.

State Law

State law requires that purchases be made from WorkQuest when the good or service provided meets needs.

What is the purpose of the State Use Law?

State Use Law assists Texans with disabilities in achieving maximum personal independence by engaging in useful and productive employment. Texans with disabilities earn employee wages for work performed at nonprofit community rehabilitation programs.

What benefits does the program offer citizens and taxpayers?

Economic studies have shown that for each $1.00 of products or services purchased, 10 to 35 cents is saved in government support. Your purchases contribute to the economic health and vocational productivity of Texans with disabilities and save tax dollars.

Do I have to buy State Use products or services?

The purchasing legislation is mandatory for state agencies; however, every effort is made to market the program and its products and services so as to promote a willing, cooperative and pleased governmental customer. Feedback is welcomed.

How can TEES help?

Please consider a purchase from WorkQuest as your first choice for the best overall value provided for your purchasing dollar.