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The Staff Excellence Award focuses on employees with three or more years of continuous service as a staff member within Texas A&M Engineering (TEES or college non-faculty position). This employee will be recognized for demonstrating outstanding service and performance.

Award Criteria

  • Must be a full-time budgeted employee with three or more years of continuous service as a staff member within Texas A&M Engineering (TEES or College of Engineering non-faculty position). Graduate student employees and student worker employees are not eligible for this award.
  • Must have a current performance evaluation on file with a rating of "Meets Expectations" or higher.
  • Must have completed required trainings as of March 1.
  • Has not received any disciplinary action in the past two years.
  • Recipients who receive any individual staff award will not be eligible for another nomination for another four years.


  • Award recipients receive an award plaque.
  • Recipients receive a $2,000 check per employee.
  • The number of recipients is seven.

Nomination Questions

The nominator will be required to answer these questions about the nominee during the online award submission:

  1. Assume that you are introducing this person to a group of coworkers, what characteristics would you want to include that describe your nominee?
  2. Please give detailed examples regarding the uniqueness of the nominee’s service within their work unit/Engineering Program.
  3. Describe a scenario where the nominee demonstrated outstanding performance and attribute the impact such effort had on the work unit and or Texas A&M Engineering.