Transfers to other state agencies may be accomplished by the using TFO Form 7811 – Property Transfer.
However, when a principal investigator (PI) decides to relocate to an agency or institution outside the State of Texas, we request a letter outlining the transfer from the APO (department head), through the controller, chief financial officer, deputy director, and finally to the agency director. The property manager (and SRS project administrator, if applicable) would review the request upon receipt by the controller.
Please use this example for TEES Assets only. Any transfer of Texas A&M University assets should be coordinated with the Texas A&M Property Office.
Before any request is made, the department head should check with the other faculty members within the department to ensure that the equipment is no longer needed. If there is cause to keep any equipment, it should remain with TEES. Any equipment found excess to the agency should be listed by its asset number in the letter. If the PI or department head has a recommended fair market value (FMV) it should be listed in the letter as well, along with any justification as to how the amount was determined.
When received, the TEES Property Office will review the letter of request, and prepare a TFO Form 7823 indicating the inventory number and financial information, to include depreciated and fair market values based on the PIs transfer date. Once all outstanding issues (such as ownership of Title) have been resolved, the TEES Property Office forwards all documentation to the controller for review/approvals.