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Recognizing the cost of substance abuse to the workplace, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station has developed procedures to promote a safe and healthy environment for all employees. In accordance with System Regulation 34.02.01, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment maintain an Alcohol and Drug-Free Awareness and Prevention Program to inform employees of drug abuse violation penalties, the dangers of drug abuse, and of the available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs.

For additional information on subjects such as laws, prevention initiatives, publications and community resources access the Texas Department of State Health Services.

Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station is fully committed to providing its employees a drug and alcohol free workplace. Guidelines and sanctions are contained in System Policy 34.02, System Regulation 34.02.01TEES Rule 34.02.01.E1 associated and procedures.

Annual Awareness and Prevention Program Notice to Employees

Guidance Resources - Employee resources for emotional confidential support, financial guidance, legal advice and support group referral.