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Employees considering retirement are encouraged to plan early and work with the Engineering Human Resources Benefits Office for assistance.

When am I eligible to retire with The Texas A&M University System benefits?

Retirement eligibility is dependent on age and years of service.

When am I eligible to receive my TRS or ORP benefits?

Optional Retirement Plan information is available on the A&M System Retirement Programs website.

Teacher Retirement System eligibility information and planning tools are available from TRS. Contact TRS by phone at 800-223-8778 or refer to the TRS Planning for Retirement information.

How do I figure my Social Security benefits?

The Social Security Administration benefit calculators provide a quick view of retirement benefits.

What should I do first?

Read this helpful booklet, A Look Ahead, a guide from the A&M System, for important information about the retirement process, then schedule a Retirement Counseling Meeting with Engineering Human Resources.

When should I start the process?

Six months prior to your proposed retirement date is a good time to begin the process.

Who do I contact to begin the process?

Engineering Human Resources
Chris Burns, Benefits Representative
979-458-8406 Email:

Who do I contact about my retirement plan (TRS or ORP)?

TRS employees should contact TRS at 800-223-8778 and request an estimate of retirement benefits.

ORP employees should contact their agent or vendor. Complete the Notification of Change in Employment Status form and submit to Engineering Budgets and Payroll - Mail Stop 3132. Refer questions to Martha Dobrovolsky at 979-458-7499.

Will my insurance benefits change when I retire?

There might be some necessary changes to your optional benefits programs which will be addressed in your Retirement Counseling meeting with Engineering Human Resources.

Will I be paid for my accrued vacation leave?

Upon retirement employees in a leave eligible position are entitled to be paid for their accrued vacation balance. (System Reg. 31.03.01)

Will I be paid for my accrued sick leave?

Unused sick leave may be donated to the Sick Leave Pool by completing the SLP Donation form and submitting to your Absence Partner in your department/division business office. For more information about the sick leave pool, contact Engineering Human Resources at (979) 458-7699.

How do I make changes to my insurance benefits?

Changes may be made during open enrollment (July) online in Single Sign On or by obtaining the appropriate form from your benefits representative.

Benefit changes in response to a qualifying change in status must be coordinated through the benefits office and received within 60 days of the qualifying event.

How do I get a retiree ID card?

Contact your business office to request the needed form and then visit the Aggie ID Office to obtain your card.

Are my retirement benefits affected if I return to A&M System employment after I retire?

ORP does not impose return to work restrictions. Specific employment after retirement restrictions apply to TRS retirement.