This page is your guide to the governance found in Agency Rules and Standard Administrative Procedures (SAPs).
Rules and SAPs are used to communicate the responsibilities, procedures, and practices that guide the operations of Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) divisions. To understand their significance, Rules and SAPs should be read in conjunction with their related System Policies and Regulations. See the “Related Statutes, Policies, or Requirements” section near the bottom of each Rule and SAP to find the related Policy or Regulation.
The Contact Office noted at the bottom of each Policy, Regulation, Rule, or SAP is your resource for interpreting or applying requirements.
If you need assistance finding a Rule or SAP, please contact Ethics and Compliance at (979) 458-7471.
Section A: Governance, Organization, and Administration
01. Governance
- 01.01.01.E0.01 Development, Approval, and Distribution of Agency Rules and Standard Administrative Procedures
02. Organization of System
- 02.04.00.E1 Legal Basis and Administrative Structure
03. Statements of Mission and Objectives
07. Ethics
- 07.03.01.E1 Political Campaign Events in Facilities Under the Control of the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
08. Civil Rights Protections and Compliance
- 08.01.01.E1 Civil Rights Compliance
09. Litigation and Administration
- 09.02.01.E0.01 Official Agency Messaging
10. Internal Audit
Section B: Academic and Research Programs
11. Centers, Degrees and Programs
- 11.02.99.E0.01 TEES Centers and Institutes
- 11.02.99.E0.02 Appointment of Directors of TEES Centers and Institutes
12. Faculty
13. Students
15. Research Programs
- 15.01.03.E1 Financial Conflicts of Interest in Sponsored Research
- 15.02.99.E1 Export Controls Program Management
- 15.05.04.E1 High-Risk Global Engagements and High-Risk International Collaborations
- 15.99.01.E1 Use of Human Subjects in Research
- 15.99.03.E1 Ethics in Research, Scholarship, and Creative Work
- 15.99.06.E1 Use of Biohazardous Materials in Research, Teaching and Testing and Dual Use Research of Concern
- 15.99.07.E1 Use of Vertebrate Animals
- 15.99.99.E0.01 Visiting Scholars and Remote Collaborators Not Involved in an Employer or Employee Relationship with TEES
- 15.99.99.E0.04 TEES Consortia Procedure
- 15.99.99.E0.05 Engineering Global Partnerships
16. Compliance - General
17. Intellectual Property
- 17.01.99.E1 Management of Intellectual Property (Patents, Copyrights and Information Technology)
- 17.01.99.E1.01 Payment of Patent Expenses and Royalty Distribution
18. Athletics
Section C: Finance and Operations
21. General Finance
- 21.01.01.E0.01 Accounting Procedures for Division Reconciliation/Verification
- 21.01.02.E0.01 Cash and Check Handling Procedures
- 21.01.04.E0.01 Extension of Credit
- 21.01.05.E0.01 Service Centers
- 21.01.99.E0.01 Credit Card Information Receipt, Custody, & Security Procedures
- 21.99.04.E1 Disposition of Abandoned and Unclaimed Personal Property
22. Asset Management
23. Debt Management
24. Risk Management
- 24.01.01.E0.02 Lasers & Laser Systems
25. Expenditure of Funds
- 25.06.01.E1 Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program
- 25.07.03.E0.01 Procurement Procedures
- 25.07.99.E1 Delegation of Authority and Contract Administration
- 25.99.99.E0.01 Procedures For Transfer of Payroll Costs To Sponsored and Non-Sponsored Accounts
- 25.99.99.E0.02 Procedures For Non-Payroll Costs and Transfers To Sponsored Accounts/Projects
26. Tuition and Fees
27. Financial Planning and Budgeting
28. Auxiliary Enterprise, Privatization, etc.
29. Information Resources
- 29.01.04.E0.01 Digital Accessibility
- 29.01.04.E0.02 Digital Accessibility Exceptions
- 29.01.99.E1 Security of Electronic Information Resources
Section D: Human Resources
31. Compensation and Benefits
- 31.01.08.E1 Merit Salary Increase
- 31.01.08.E1.01 Job-Related Skill Enhancement Pay
- 31.01.10.E0.01 Taxation of Special Payments and Awards to Employees
- 31.01.99.E0.01 Relocation for Non-Faculty Positions
- 31.02.13.E0.01 Wellness Release Time
- 31.03.03.E0.01 Administrative Leave With Pay
- 31.05.01.E1 Faculty Consulting and External Professional Employment
32. Employee Relations
- 32.01.02.E0.01 Complaint and Appeal Process (Non-faculty Employees)
33. Employment, Standards of Conduct
- 33.06.01.E0.01 Alternate Work Location
- 33.99.01.E0.01 Vacant Positions
- 33.99.03.E0.01 Performance Evaluations for Non-Faculty Employees
- 33.99.09.E0.01 Employment of Foreign Nationals
- 33.99.14.E1 Criminal History Record Information - Employees and Candidates for Employment
- 33.99.99.E0.02 Appointment to TEES Research Professorship and Fellow Titles
34. Safety of Employees and Students
- 34.02.01.E1 Drug and Alcohol Abuse
- 34.02.01.E1.01 Drug and Alcohol Abuse
- 34.05.99.E1 Smoking and Tobacco Use
- 34.06.02.E1 Carrying Concealed Handguns on TEES Property
Section E: Real Estate
41. Real Property
Section F: Facilities Planning, Construction, and Operation
51. Facilities Planning and Construction
Section G: Public Affairs and Development
60. Relationships with Financial Support Organizations
61. Information and Communications
- 61.99.01.E0.01 Records Management
- 61.99.01.E0.02 Email Retention