This integrative research facility for engineering focuses on three areas: nanofabrication, materials characterization and energy research. The facility includes nanofabrication laboratories, the Corrosion Science and Materials Reliability Laboratory, and research space for faculty, staff and students working for the Texas A&M Energy Institute.
At a Glance
- Located at 1617 Research Parkway
- 70,000 total square footage
- 4,000 square feet of wet lab space
- 1,500 square feet of dry lab space
- 13,000 square feet of office space
Ground Floor
- Materials Science--Materials Characterization Labs
- Electrical Engineering--Nano Technology and Aggie Fab Labs
Second Floor
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
Third Floor
Honoring the Giesecke Legacy

Dr. Frederick E. Giesecke earned two of his five degrees at Texas A&M University in 1886 and 1890 and served as head of the Department of Mechanical Drawing. He established the first formal architectural program in the state at Texas A&M and led that department until 1912. He served as director of the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station from 1928 to 1939, during which time he designed several iconic buildings on the university campus.