- Accountability and Management Report
- Annual Certification to THECB
- Annual Reports and Inventories
The Texas A&M University System Annual Financial Report is available online. The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. For a complete presentation of *System Member*, the system combined report, including the notes, should be reviewed along with the member report. - Appropriations Transfers - Group Insurance Contributions
- Audit Report
- FTE State Employees
- Group Health Insurance Contributions - The Texas A&M University System
- Historically Underutilized Businesses
- Investment Reports
- Legislative Appropriations Requests
- Minutes of the Governing Board
- Operating Budget
- State Purchasers and Contract Resources
- Strategic Plan for Information Resources Management
- Strategic Plan for Operations
- Transparency in State Agency Contracting and Procurement
Note: Many reports are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. To download the Acrobat Reader, go to the Adobe website and select the Acrobat Reader for your computer platform.
For the visually impaired, go to Adobe's accessibility webpage to download a tool that will allow you to read any document in Adobe PDF format. It converts PDF documents into simple HTML or ASCII text that can then be read by a number of common screen-reading programs that synthesize HTML as audible speech.