The dimensions of digital accessibility program maturity are like threads that weave together into a successful, sustainable accessibility program. Digital accessibility intersects with many facets of the university and encompasses more than just meeting technical standards. The Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) Digital Accessibility Officer manages accessibility initiatives related to:
- Governance and compliance (policies, procedures, and standards)
- Internal and external communication channels (intranet, internet, social media)
- Procurement (VPATS/ACRs, PDAA, VASDIR, exceptions, exemptions)
- Product Development Lifecycle (planning, content, design, development)
- Testing and validation (test sets, compliancy plans, audits, remediation)
- Reporting (IRDR, surveys, metrics)
- Training and Learning Resources (knowledge and skills transfer)
- Culture and Support (Job duties, design systems, writing and style guides)
Levels for Each Dimension
Each of these areas includes a set of proof points to determine program maturity. Maturity is measured by meeting defined outcomes. Stage advancement is achieved by meeting all dimensions of a lower level. Levels are defined as:
- Level 1 – Initial/Identified (new, ad-hoc, uncontrolled, inconsistent)
- Level 2 – Launch/Repeatable (create consistency, improve performance)
- Level 3 – Defined/Documented (adoption, well-defined, procedures)
- Level 4 – Managed/Integrated (metrics inform decisions, considered from the beginning)
- Level 5 – Optimized/Evaluated (innovative, cross-culture, inclusive)