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Female wearing a blue shirt uses controls on a CNC machine while man oversees her work.

Manufacturing Initiatives

Manufacturing Initiatives aims to catalyze the growth of advanced manufacturing and emerging technologies ecosystems, fostering innovation and economic prosperity in regions and states for a sustainable and globally competitive workforce. With a vision to be the driving force behind thriving advanced manufacturing and emerging technology hubs across regions and states, we aspire to create a dynamic network of innovation, education and collaboration where innovative technology training is developed and industry demands are met.


The Texas Workforce Development Ecosystem leverages industry, education, government and economic development stakeholders to develop and provide training opportunities to build a skilled manufacturing workforce for the industrial base within Texas. Through this strategic program, the sustainability of the DOD’s manufacturing capabilities for defense platforms is directly supported by maintaining a talent pipeline to fill jobs in emerging technology fields.

America’s Cutting Edge (ACE) is a national initiative to restore the prominence of the U.S. machine tools sector. Through ACE, participants can receive online instruction and then complete hands-on, in-person training that supports a new career path — or advancement — in the machine tool industry for free. ACE is supported by the DOD Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment Program from the Office of Industrial Policy. The DOD is using the scientific expertise of the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the workforce development leadership of the Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI) and the capabilities and resources of TEES.

Project MFG shines a light on the need and opportunities for skilled trades by focusing on the development of new talent to provide a path forward for individuals and our country. Project MFG competitions throughout the United States promote the trades across industries and help advance the next generation of highly skilled trade professionals. As an integrated workforce development and recruitment effort, Project MFG collaborates across communities, the private sector and government to expand the U.S. industrial base workforce.

The Texas Defense Aerospace Manufacturing Community (TDAMC) is galvanizing a smart manufacturing ecosystem for defense aerospace manufacturing in Texas by injecting smart manufacturing skills and technologies into the state to accelerate the growth of a strong, resilient, responsive and competitive supply chain. TDAMC aims to meet the current and future needs of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), including industrial surge production capability requirements.

Contact Us

Hector Yanez

  • Director and TEES Principal Research Engineer, Manufacturing Initiatives, Workforce Development
Hector Yanez

John Peterson

  • Senior Project Manager, Manufacturing Initiatives, Workforce Development
John Peterson

Scott Leoncini

  • Project Manager III, Manufacturing Initiatives, Workforce Development
Scott Leoncini

Kelly Gideon

  • Project Specialist II, Manufacturing Initiatives, Workforce Development
Kelly Gideon

Jordan Mitchell

  • Project Specialist II, Manufacturing Initiatives, Workforce Development
Jordan Mitchell