Texas A&M University and the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station are involved in the research and development of new technology to improve the manufacturing process in the United States.
The Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station’s External Advisory Board members shared updates from their subcommittees and heard updates from TEES administrators about new research initiatives and the newly announced plans for the RELLIS Campus.
An experienced team of development, engineering and project management specialists from Louisiana Wind, LLC announced their 150 MW Wind Farm to provide clean power to the region’s growing need to diversify into clean energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
he Texas A&M Energy Institute, a joint center of the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station and Texas A&M University, is joining eight universities to participate in a new six-year, $20 million project awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL).
The third ENG-LIFE Workshop, a faculty-led workshop designed to increase potential for multidisciplinary research between engineering and the life sciences, took place on April 29 in the Emerging Technologies Building at Texas A&M University.
The partnership between Kaneka, a Japanese-based chemical manufacturer, and the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station’s (TEES) Polymer Technology Center (PTC) dates back to 1999.
The concept of autonomous cars and connected vehicles is simple enough to understand, but the actual implementation of the technology involved raises questions ranging from the technical to the legal and even the philosophical.
Texas A&M Engineering is expanding its research and education capabilities as part of the recently announced RELLIS Campus. The new campus, which will be located at a revamped and renamed Riverside Campus, was announced Monday by Texas A&M University System Chancellor John Sharp.