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Research Support

Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES)-Engineering Research Development Services (ERDS) will support TEES researchers in their proposal development by conducting the following activities:

  • Identify and interpret funding opportunities for researchers.
  • Facilitate the formation of proposal teams around the central themes of upcoming Funding.
  • Opportunity Announcements (FOAs).
  • Organize events (such as workshops) for researchers to network.
  • Identify resources (both on and outside campus) for research and broader impacts.
  • Engage with external consultants, databases, and industry on relevant and forecasted opportunities.
  • Review, Proofread and Language-edit (English) proposal narratives for organization and flow based on agency mission and review criteria.
  • Develop Graphics to enhance the proposal pitch, including illustrations and tables.
  • Compliance-check proposal components and supplementary document.

To learn more about the services we provide, please visit our About Us page

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