- Deputy Director, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station
- Senior Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering
- Executive Director, University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics
- Director, Texas A&M National Aerothermochemistry and Hypersonics Laboratory
- Professor, Aerospace Engineering
- Member, National Academy of Engineering
- Holder, Ford Motor Co. Design Professorship I
- Phone: 979-845-0139
- Email: bowersox@tamu.edu
- Office: HRBB 417A
- Website: Research website
Assistant Email: kclackey@tamu.edu

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1992
- M.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1990
- B.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1988
Research Interests
- Gasdynamics
- Aerothermochemistry
- High-speed aerodynamics
- Hypersonics
- Unsteady aerodynamics
- Aero-propulsion
- Turbulence modeling
- Numerical simulations
- Instrumentation development
- Wind tunnel design