The robotics research of Dr. Aaron Ames has been featured in Design News.
The magazine also named Ames one of its "Rising Engineering Stars."
Ames is a researcher in the Mechanical Engineering Division of TEES and an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University.
Science fiction has long promised two-legged, humanlike robots that can walk among us, but those are not yet reality. Ames, a self-described sci-fi buff, is building the robots himself.
He and his students in the A&M Bipedal Experimental Robotics Lab (AMBER) are working on the design, simulation and fabrication of a robot that will walk like a human. Writer Deb Setters from Maxon Precision Motors says that "making a human-like bipedal walking robot will advance robotics beyond that of toys or novelty and into the area of high-level use for a variety of applications, including space exploration, disaster response, military operations, elderly assistance, rehabilitation and prosthetics."
Read Setters’ article here.
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