COLLEGE STATION - Dr. Yue Kuo, Dow Professor in Texas A&M University’s Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering, has received The Electrochemical Society’s (ECS) 2007 Electronics and Photonics Division Award for his work with semiconductors. The award - among the most prestigious in the field of electronics - acknowledges remarkable work in the field with up to $2,500 or membership in ECS for the lifetime of the recipient. As the recipient of the 2007 Electronics and Photonics Division Award, Kuo is expected to deliver a lecture to the Electronics and Photonics Division Symposium of the 211th ECS Meeting May 6-11 in Chicago. In addition to the 2007 Electronics and Photonics Division Award, Kuo has received various awards and distinctions, such as Fellow in ECS and IEEE. Kuo’s interests include semiconductors and thin films. Governments and industries consult him about biochips, dielectrics, plasma processing, thin-film transistors and very large scale integrated circuits. After about two decades of research into semiconductors in IBM’s Thomas J. Watson Research Center and Silicon Valley, Kuo joined the Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering in 1998. He is also a professor of electrical engineering, and materials science and engineering; and a researcher in the Texas Engineering Experiment Station. Kuo earned his bachelor’s from National Taiwan University and his master’s and doctorate from Columbia University. For more information about Kuo’s research, visit