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The Operations Office assists with day-to-day operations to ensure compliance with research and administrative policies including facilities and space, centers, safety, consortia, youth programs, and general operations. 


  • Coordination of meetings and staff activities at RELLIS.
  • Represent TEES' interests at the Transportation Services Advisory Committee and the Emergency Managers Committee.
  • Act as contact with RELLIS administration staff.
  • Coordinate IT, marketing, financial services, administrative support services and other TEES resource support in accordance with the TEES strategic plan.
  • Assist researchers in relation to Programs with Minors to comply with requirements set forth by the University Youth Programs in the Division of Risk, Ethics & Compliance.

Facilities and Safety

  • Facilitates documentation for new/established buildings including emergency plans, administrative procedures and floor plans.
  • Work with facilities coordinators to ensure each researcher can access the appropriate facilities and space. Maintain TEES and COE space inventory and safety/emergency plans.
  • Coordinate with Engineering Facilities and recommend courses of action. Act as the liaison between the facilities staff and TEES leadership to ensure the projects and maintenance are completed promptly and within budget.
  • Assist with safety training for TEES and COE, including promoting the use of "Safety Minutes" and safety course offerings.

Centers and Consortia

  • Assist the 26 research centers within TEES including center performance measures and growth plans, reviews and communications opportunities.
  • Provide guidance and monitoring for current and potential consortia efforts.
  • Coordinate biannual Center Directors' Meetings and support center initiatives.

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